Garane Katerina

Special Teaching Fellow

School of Physics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics, Faculty of Sciences building, 4th floor, Eastern Wing

Dr. Katerina Garane studied Physics at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh), Greece, and received her Bachelor Degree in 1999. Then, she attended the postgraduate studies program of “Environmental Physics” of AUTh and was awarded her Master’s Degree in 2001. She successfully defended her PhD thesis, titled “Contribution to the study of changes in the spectrum of ultraviolet solar radiation in various time scales”, on December 2007.

She is currently a permanent staff member at the Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics of AUTh, and besides teaching courses in the field of Atmospheric Physics to under- and post- graduate students, she continues her research work. Her research interests and activities include the validation of long term global total ozone column records from satellite observations, comparison against ground based instrumentation and solar UV measurements’ quality control and statistical analysis.

Scopus ID, ORCID, ResearchGate


1. Atmospheric Measurements
2. Environmental Impact Assessment and Evaluation Tools
3. Laboratory and Field project