• High Performance Computer Centre
  • Lidar-DIAL remote sensing system for measuring the vertical distribution of ozone and particulate matter in the troposphere and lower stratosphere
  • Brewer spectrophotometer (Mk II) for measuring the spectral ultraviolet solar radiation (UV-B) and the total columns of O3 and SO2
  • Brewer spectrophotometer (Mk III) with a dual monochromator for the measurement of spectral ultraviolet solar radiation (UV-B) and the total columns of O3 and SO2
  • DOAS (Phaethon), MAX-DOAS and Long path DOAS (SANOA) systems for measuring the spectral optical depth of particulate matter and gaseous pollutants (e.g. NO2, CH2O, etc.)
  • A network of 9 radiometers with multiple filters for measuring solar radiation between the UV-B and PAR parts of the spectrum, in six areas around Greece
  • Broadband total and ultraviolet solar radiation (UV-B, erythema, UV-A)
  • Calibration unit and visual characterization of radiometric instruments
  • CIMEL filter photometer for measuring the optical properties atmospheric particles
  • SODAR remote sensing system for the study of the structure of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer (wind field measurement)
  • GRIMM analyser for measuring the mass density of atmospheric particles in 31 size ranges from 0.25 to 32 μm
  • Cloud imaging system with digital camera
  • Radio projectiles and ECC type ozonators, for measuring the vertical distribution of atmospheric ozone
  • RS103 (Retey Electronic) sound meter
  • Medium Scale Meteorological Model (PSU / NCAR – MM5 and WRF)
  • Photochemical models (CAMx and UAM-V)
  • Dispersion Model (RIMPUFF)
  • Computational model ECHAM5 / Messyv1.4 (fully coupled Atmospheric Chemistry-General Circulation Model)
  • KRCM Computational Model (radiation transfer model for the calculation of climate coercion (1- D radiative-convective-oceanic model)
  • Solar radiation transfer models (Libradtran v1.2, TUV v4.4)

More on the infrastucture that supports the research activities of the Postgraduate Program can be found here.