Βουδούρη Καλλιόπη-Άρτεμης

Ερευνήτρια - Εξωτερική Συνεργάτιδα

Τμήμα Φυσικής ΑΠΘ

Εργαστήριο Φυσικής της Ατμόσφαιρας, Κτίριο της Σχολής Θετικών Επιστημών

Dr Voudouri Kalliopi Artemis finished her PhD in the Laboratory of Atmospheric Physics of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece in 2019. She has more than 10 years of experience in performing measurements with lidar systems including systematic calibration, and maintenance. Her main scientific interests lie in the field of Atmospheric Environment and Physics of Atmosphere, and more specifically on aerosol and clouds geometrical/optical properties, using ground based data from active and passive remote sensing. In total, she has co authored 12 publications in peer reviewed journals (6 out of 14 as first author) and over 63 in proceedings of international scientific conferences (27 of which as a first author). She has also participated in total 6 experimental campaigns, being responsible for the data aquision and the lidar processing and has participated in the organizing committee of the 1 st European Lidar Conference. Her expertise and collaboration skills have been recognized from ACTRIS/EARLINET, assigning her to lead the Working Group on aerosol typing and characterization and the Working Group on Lidar Developments through the organization and consolidation of the EARLINET remote sensing community.   Scopus ID, ResearchGate


1. Μέθοδοι ανάλυσης Περιβαλοντικών Δεδομένων
2. Ατμοσφαιρικές μετρήσεις