Ιωαννίδου Αλεξάνδρα
Τμήμα Φυσικής ΑΠΘ
Εργαστήριο Ατομικής και Πυρηνικής Φυσικής, 1ος όροφος, Ανατολική Πτέρυγα ΦΜΣ
Alexandra Ioannidou has more than 25 years of experience on basic and applied research on radiation physics and isotopes, environmental radioactivity – radioecology, on radioactive aerosols and their behavior in the atmosphere, environmental radioactivity from Chernobyl and Fukushima accident and effects of radioactive pollutants in the ecosystem, NORM/TENORM studies in atmosphere, aquatic environments (lake, river, ground water), agriculture, Radon: indoor/outdoor concentrations.
As Radiation Protection Expert Certified by the regulatory body (Greek Atomic Energy Commission: GAEC), she developed knowledge in her field and her expertise extends outside of academia, as proven by:
– her experience and active participation in radiation control of radioactive sources used in various industries and organizations in Greece;
– her experience and long lasting collaborations with metallurgic companies in Greece in avoiding radiological accidents by controlling radioactive material inadvertently incorporated into scrap metal,
– by being the Scientific Responsible for the IAEA – CRP J02014 «Repair and Calibration of Malfunctioned Radiation Detection» and having great experience with all type of radiation detectors (portals and portable detectors) for nuclear security
– her expertise in environmental radioactivity studies and radiation monitoring mainly by gamma spectrometry in all environmental samples and matrixes and estimation of doses to biota (proven by my more than 180 publication in International scientific journals and conference proceedings)
Furthermore, the Radiation Physics and Environmental Radioactivity Lab, were she belongs, has the necessary infrastructure and personnel, the members of the Lab are radiation protection experts, specialist in gamma-spectrometry, radiation dosimetry and retrospective dosimetry. In the Lab, there are various portable detectors for radiation control and inspection; three Ge detectors calibrated for various geometries and matrixes; two Harshaw Thermoluminence (TL) readers and infrastructure for radioactive aerosol measurements and radioactive aerosol size characterization as well.
1. Διαχείριση Περιβάλλοντος και Κυκλική Οικονομία
2. Ατμοσφαιρικά Αιωρήματα